Friday 18 January 2008

APAT and Will Hill

Last night I spent the evening playing poker online - the first evening Ive done this in ages. I had intended to concentrate on Stars so I can release my sign-up bonus. I can actually bust my roll there in the pursuit of this and still come out about even. I ended up only playing 2 SnGs. I bubbled one and crashed in the other.

I did play the APAT Czech Open on Bluesq though. I ended up in the cash in 18th which was good, but my bust out hand was a real pain in the butt. Why is he getting involved with KQ? I'm a bit of a donk at the tables but I would be mucking that every time. Even my JJ was perhaps marginal play but this guy was acting after my substantial re-re-raise:

A friend came to rail me right at the moment I went out. S0 I railed him at a $0.25/0.50 table. Now, I very rarely play ring games on account of doing very poorly in them. I now have a sneaking suspicion that cos I play the real microstakes (0.01/0.02 and 0.05/0.10) the play is far too loose. Anyhow, I sat down with with the $10 I had in my WillHill acct (I thought it was empty) and spun it up to this much:

I only recall having one hand of any merit. I built up to $30 by being a tad reckless. I'd call down and then raise rivers or just check raise flops with nothing. Noone called me out. Not once. I even did the same move against the same player within a few minutes not realising it was him and even he didn't call me on it.

The sweet hand was when I had JT on the button. I limped, BB went 3xbb and I called to see a KQ2 flop. He 3xbb the flop and I called to see a shiny ace on the turn. I check, he bet, i raised, he raised, I raised etc. I didn't want to push him off the hand and so we played tennis for 8-10 bets. He then shoves and I insta-called. He showed QQ for a flopped set and he bricked the river to double me through. I think that was his first hand at the table.

It was good to have a winning ring game session. They don't happen often for me!

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