Thursday 28 February 2008

More Freerollaments and a home game

I thought I'd kick off with a screen grab. This was the very worst possible flop for me. I think I have a monster but instead am drawing to the case 8 or a back door flush for a win or a runner runner straight for a chop.

I've been playing some more Freerolls on WillHill. They are quite amusing. I played on one the other day with a friend and we had a prop bet to see who could amass the largest stack. Within a few hands I was down to 180 (starting stack of 1500) and he was up to 10k. All was lost, or so I thought. I then shoved with 89 in early position and had 4 callers. Despite the flop producing an A, the 8 on the turn was enough to win me the pot. The very next hand I flop the nut straight and get paid multi-way. I managed to build my stack to over 155,000 before giving it away. I cashed for 0.70c. Go me.

Last night I hosted a 10p/20p ring game. It was a fun evening and quite a few moves were made. One hand in particular amused me greatly. See if you can guess his hand?

Me: A4
Him: ??

Preflop: He raises to 70p. I call.

Flop: K53 rainbow.

He bets £1.20 and I call.

Turn: 3

Check check.

River: 9

He bets £2.50
I raise to £6.50
He re-raises to £15
I fold.

Based on the betting, he should have flopped a set and filled up on the turn or have a reasonable pair in his hand. So what did he have? The answer: 72. He did a re-re-resteal on the river which was a great move. We've played a fair amount together in the past and he knew I was quite capable of restealing on the river. I just wish that one time I actually had the goods.

Another amusing hand. I get QT on the button. It folds to me and I raise 3xbb. BB calls. Flop was J85. We both check the flop and the turn is a 5. I'm pretty sure he doesnt have anything at this point and so when he bets 80p I take it up to £3. He tanks before saying something which sounded a lot like 'Fold'. Someone at the table said 'nice bluff' to me and I said 'thanks' and smiled. I then reached for the chips for the BB to inform me he was still active and hadn't folded. He thinks a bit more and then folds showing 66. I'd announced I was bluffing - how could he fold in that spot? He should have raised it up. He didn't have a great deal behind so I'd have probably called a raise, but even so.

Overall the game was profitable. I bought in for £20, reloaded for £10 and cashed out £50.

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