Wednesday 23 April 2008


This is way past the rebuy period in a 10c rebuy.

Check out the hands calling my massive reraise all in. A9? wtf?! 55?! Lolz. I bet they wish they had a Jack.

***** Hand 1052241312 *****
100.00/200.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 23 April 2008 20:45:27
MICRO GTD REBUY (Real /Tournament )
Seat 1: Acsadrika (38760.00)
Seat 2: Bullit1976 (31075.00)
Seat 3: jacint666 (30250.00)
Seat 4: frater33 (31635.00)
Seat 5: tfeilding (12116.00)
Seat 6: elele (29118.00)
Seat 7: pati77 (13025.00)
Seat 8: moric55 (8059.00)
Seat 9: Drea27 (6290.00)
Seat 10: gbtoothy (35942.00)
elele post SB 100.00
pati77 post BB 200.00
** Deal **
Acsadrika [N/A, N/A]
Bullit1976 [N/A, N/A]
jacint666 [N/A, N/A]
frater33 [N/A, N/A]
tfeilding [Kh, Kd]
elele [N/A, N/A]
pati77 [N/A, N/A]
moric55 [N/A, N/A]
Drea27 [N/A, N/A]
gbtoothy [N/A, N/A]
*** Bet Round 1 ***
moric55 Call 200.00
Drea27 Fold
gbtoothy Fold
Acsadrika Call 200.00
Bullit1976 Fold
jacint666 Call 200.00
frater33 Raise to 1000.00
tfeilding All-in 12116.00
elele Call 12116.00
pati77 Fold
moric55 All-in 8059.00
Acsadrika Fold
jacint666 Fold
frater33 Call 12116.00
*** Flop(Board): *** : [6s, Jh, 9d]
*** Bet Round 2 ***
elele Check
frater33 Check
*** Turn(Board): *** : [6s, Jh, 9d, 2c]
*** Bet Round 3 ***
elele Check
frater33 Check
*** River(Board): *** : [6s, Jh, 9d, 2c, Js]
*** Bet Round 4 ***
elele Check
frater33 Check
*** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 45257.00
Acsadrika Fold Win: 0.00
Bullit1976 Fold Win: 0.00
jacint666 Fold Win: 0.00
frater33 [5c, 5s] Two pair jacks and fives Win: 0.00
tfeilding [Kh, Kd] Two pair kings and jacks Win: 45257.00
elele [Ah, Kc] Pair of jacks Win: 0.00
pati77 Fold Win: 0.00
moric55 [9h, Ac] Two pair jacks and nines Win: 0.00
Drea27 Fold Win: 0.00

Thursday 28 February 2008

More Freerollaments and a home game

I thought I'd kick off with a screen grab. This was the very worst possible flop for me. I think I have a monster but instead am drawing to the case 8 or a back door flush for a win or a runner runner straight for a chop.

I've been playing some more Freerolls on WillHill. They are quite amusing. I played on one the other day with a friend and we had a prop bet to see who could amass the largest stack. Within a few hands I was down to 180 (starting stack of 1500) and he was up to 10k. All was lost, or so I thought. I then shoved with 89 in early position and had 4 callers. Despite the flop producing an A, the 8 on the turn was enough to win me the pot. The very next hand I flop the nut straight and get paid multi-way. I managed to build my stack to over 155,000 before giving it away. I cashed for 0.70c. Go me.

Last night I hosted a 10p/20p ring game. It was a fun evening and quite a few moves were made. One hand in particular amused me greatly. See if you can guess his hand?

Me: A4
Him: ??

Preflop: He raises to 70p. I call.

Flop: K53 rainbow.

He bets £1.20 and I call.

Turn: 3

Check check.

River: 9

He bets £2.50
I raise to £6.50
He re-raises to £15
I fold.

Based on the betting, he should have flopped a set and filled up on the turn or have a reasonable pair in his hand. So what did he have? The answer: 72. He did a re-re-resteal on the river which was a great move. We've played a fair amount together in the past and he knew I was quite capable of restealing on the river. I just wish that one time I actually had the goods.

Another amusing hand. I get QT on the button. It folds to me and I raise 3xbb. BB calls. Flop was J85. We both check the flop and the turn is a 5. I'm pretty sure he doesnt have anything at this point and so when he bets 80p I take it up to £3. He tanks before saying something which sounded a lot like 'Fold'. Someone at the table said 'nice bluff' to me and I said 'thanks' and smiled. I then reached for the chips for the BB to inform me he was still active and hadn't folded. He thinks a bit more and then folds showing 66. I'd announced I was bluffing - how could he fold in that spot? He should have raised it up. He didn't have a great deal behind so I'd have probably called a raise, but even so.

Overall the game was profitable. I bought in for £20, reloaded for £10 and cashed out £50.

Tuesday 12 February 2008

Donkey king

This is a bit of a comedy hand and possibly donk play from both of us. I raised pre-flop cos the BB was sitting out of the hand and I wanted to steal the blinds. His turn and river bets didn't make sense if he had a flush. I think he would have played a king differently as well on a dangerous board. There wasn't much there for him to represent. I bet he is currently bitching about how I called his all-in bet on the river with just a 2.

***** Hand 952036467 *****
50.00/100.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 12 February 2008 17:27:42
Holdem Speed (Real /Tournament )
Seat 3: tfeilding (4260.00)
Seat 4: dupeto (2040.00)
Seat 5: torstpet (1200.00)
dupeto post SB 50.00
torstpet post BB 100.00
** Deal **
tfeilding [2s, Jc]
dupeto [N/A, N/A]
torstpet [N/A, N/A]
*** Bet Round 1 ***
tfeilding Raise to 400.00
dupeto Call 400.00
torstpet Fold
*** Flop(Board): *** : [3c, Kh, 7h]
*** Bet Round 2 ***
dupeto Check
tfeilding Check
*** Turn(Board): *** : [3c, Kh, 7h, 2h]
*** Bet Round 3 ***
dupeto Bet 100.00
tfeilding Call 100.00
*** River(Board): *** : [3c, Kh, 7h, 2h, Kc]
*** Bet Round 4 ***
dupeto All-in 1540.00
tfeilding Call 1540.00
*** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 4180.00
tfeilding [2s, Jc] Two pair kings and deuces Win: 4180.00
dupeto [As, Qs] Pair of kings Win: 0.00
torstpet Fold Win: 0.00

Thursday 31 January 2008


I have played very few public freerolls. I know how crazy they can be. This hand sums up the play. What else could I have done? Maybe gone all-in pre-flop straight away rather than 4xbb UTG? WTF were these people thinking? AT is the only marginal hand there and even then its gotta be screwed every which way with 4 people all-in. Ah well. I'm playing an APAT online game shortly so I'll hopefully get some better players:

Game #5232219953: $100 Freeroll (ID6397317) $0+$0 - Hold'em NL (10/20) - 2008/01/31 - 19:34:48 (UK)
Table "6397317 - 163" Seat 3 is the button.
Seat 1: Gultek75 (1480 in chips)
Seat 2: knk32 (1420 in chips)
Seat 3: stadie9 sits out
Seat 4: bassebus (1480 in chips)
Seat 5: TonyoTH (1570 in chips)
Seat 6: Tho270515 (1500 in chips)
Seat 7: elendil (1460 in chips)
Seat 8: Raym20051 (1460 in chips)
Seat 9: rick545 (1500 in chips)
Seat 10: Josef0111 (4580 in chips)
bassebus: posts small blind 10
TonyoTH: posts big blind 20

----- HOLE CARDS -----
dealt to Tho270515 [Qc Qh]
Tho270515: raises to 80
elendil: calls 80
Raym20051: folds
rick545: calls 80
Josef0111: calls 80
Gultek75: calls 80
knk32: calls 80
stadie9: folds
bassebus: folds
TonyoTH: raises to 140
Tho270515: raises to 1500 and is all-in
elendil: is all-in 1380
rick545: folds
Josef0111: folds
Gultek75: is all-in 1400
knk32: folds
TonyoTH: calls 1360
----- FLOP ----- [Jc 2d 5c]
----- TURN ----- [Jc 2d 5c][3c]
----- RIVER ----- [Jc 2d 5c 3c][4d]
----- SHOW DOWN -----
Tho270515: shows [Qc Qh] (A Pair of Queens, Jack high)
elendil: shows [6h 5h] (A Straight, Six high)
Gultek75: shows [Qs 5s] (A Pair of Fives, Queen high)
TonyoTH: shows [Th Ad] (A Straight, Five high)
TonyoTH collected 40 from Side pot #2
TonyoTH collected 60 from Side pot #1
elendil collected 6090 from Main pot
----- SUMMARY -----
Total pot 6190 Main pot 6090 Side pot #1 60 | Side pot #2 40 | Rake 0
Board [Jc 2d 5c 3c 4d]
Seat 1: Gultek75 showed [Qs 5s] and lost with A Pair of Fives, Queen high
Seat 2: knk32 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: stadie9 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: bassebus (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: TonyoTH (big blind) showed [Th Ad] and won (100) with A Straight, Five high
Seat 6: Tho270515 showed [Qc Qh] and lost with A Pair of Queens, Jack high
Seat 7: elendil showed [6h 5h] and won (6090) with A Straight, Six high
Seat 8: Raym20051 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: rick545 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 10: Josef0111 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Wednesday 30 January 2008

This game can be so frustrating

Here is a hand I just played in a €10 5 seater SnG. I'm constantly getting in to a show down situation with the best hand, only to be out drawn. Last night I came 2nd in a SnG where I was massively stacked and I lost 6 hands where I was a favourite in every single one. Twice I had pairs to the guy's unpaired unders. He was down to 270chips at one stage and came back to win. It was so frustrating

***** Hand 932947277 *****
50.00/100.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 30 January 2008 19:18:08
Holdem Turbo (Real /Tournament )
Seat 1: Fig. Foz (900.00)
Seat 2: Mr Fung (3870.00)
Seat 4: alexius1 (1305.00)
Seat 5: tfeilding (1425.00)
alexius1 post SB 50.00
tfeilding post BB 100.00
** Deal **
Fig. Foz [N/A, N/A]
Mr Fung [N/A, N/A]
alexius1 [N/A, N/A]
tfeilding [Qd, Ac]
*** Bet Round 1 ***
Fig. Foz Call 100.00
Mr Fung Call 100.00
alexius1 Call 100.00
tfeilding Check
*** Flop(Board): *** : [6h, 2s, Qc]
*** Bet Round 2 ***
alexius1 Bet 100.00
tfeilding Raise to 300.00
Fig. Foz All-in 800.00
Mr Fung Fold
alexius1 Fold
tfeilding Call 800.00
*** Turn(Board): *** : [6h, 2s, Qc, 9c]
*** River(Board): *** : [6h, 2s, Qc, 9c, Jh]
*** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 2100.00
Fig. Foz [Qh, 9d] Two pair queens and nines Win: 2100.00
Mr Fung Fold Win: 0.00
alexius1 Fold Win: 0.00
tfeilding [Qd, Ac] Pair of queens Win: 0.00

January stats

My new year's resolution was to keep a track of every live game I play. Thus I have a spreadsheet with all my results in. My stats for the month are as follows:

Total staked: £238 (Avg stake: £5.17)
Total returned: £376
Profit: £138 (Roi=57%)
In the money: 16/28 (57%)

I'm happy with those stats. It'll be interesting to compare my month on month stats later in the year.

Monday 28 January 2008

Time to shift up a gear

I tend to play €3 and €5 5-seater games on My roll is only around €50 but it is slowly increasing. Anyhow, I played a live game at the weekend and won a €250 bonus for having the best hand. This has been paid direct into my account - so now I can up the stakes a bit and try some €10 to see how they go. I am sick of donk play being rewarded, such as this hand which I've just played. The ranges of the raiser and caller is vast - so although my call preflop was loose I wasn't going to be a massive under dog and I was getting 7/2 on my money. Anyhow, the guy 3 bets me all-in with mid pair and then hits his 4 outter on the river. It gets boring being beat like this.

***** Hand 929978999 *****
25.00/50.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 28 January 2008 18:27:05
Holdem (Real /Tournament )
Seat 1: almano99 (2020.00)
Seat 2: prduch (2060.00)
Seat 3: tfeilding (1075.00)
Seat 4: jibula (1390.00)
Seat 5: lordmat (955.00)
prduch post SB 25.00
tfeilding post BB 50.00
** Deal **
almano99 [N/A, N/A]
prduch [N/A, N/A]
tfeilding [4d, Jd]
jibula [N/A, N/A]
lordmat [N/A, N/A]
*** Bet Round 1 ***
jibula Raise to 150.00
lordmat Call 150.00
almano99 Fold
prduch Fold
tfeilding Call 150.00
*** Flop(Board): *** : [Jh, 3d, 8s]
*** Bet Round 2 ***
tfeilding Check
jibula Bet 350.00
lordmat Fold
tfeilding Raise to 700.00
jibula Raise to 1100.00
tfeilding All-in 925.00
*** Turn(Board): *** : [Jh, 3d, 8s, 7d]
*** River(Board): *** : [Jh, 3d, 8s, 7d, Qc]
*** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 2325.00
almano99 Fold Win: 0.00
prduch Fold Win: 0.00
tfeilding [4d, Jd] Pair of jacks Win: 0.00
jibula [8d, Qh] Two pair queens and eights Win: 2325.00
lordmat Fold Win: 0.00

Wednesday 23 January 2008


This Saturday is the rather belated Christmas Party. The afternoon kicks off with a £50 f/o game and the evening features much beer and music. It should be a laugh. As I'm a microstakes kinda guy, I tried to satellite into the afternoon game through a £10 f/o. This is the hand which wounded me. From then on I was just keeping my head above water and finished 6/10 with 2 going through. Christ knows why i got called on the flop and turn:

***** Hand 923145146 *****
15.00/30.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 23 January 2008 20:30:04
XmasParty FO Qual (Real /Tournament )
Seat 1: tfeilding (1945.00)
Seat 2: Dice Man (2195.00)
Seat 3: MattyH (2240.00)
Seat 4: Mango_99 (2260.00)
Seat 5: _riverd_ (1910.00)
Seat 6: malow (1880.00)
Seat 7: mattlbrook (1690.00)
Seat 8: Trafa1gar (1950.00)
Seat 9: Lucky_l (1970.00)
Seat 10: trust_me (1960.00)
MattyH post SB 15.00
Mango_99 post BB 30.00
** Deal **
tfeilding [Jc, Ks]
Dice Man [N/A, N/A]
MattyH [N/A, N/A]
Mango_99 [N/A, N/A]
_riverd_ [N/A, N/A]
malow [N/A, N/A]
mattlbrook [N/A, N/A]
Trafa1gar [N/A, N/A]
Lucky_l [N/A, N/A]
trust_me [N/A, N/A]
*** Bet Round 1 ***
_riverd_ Fold
malow Fold
mattlbrook Fold
Trafa1gar Fold
Lucky_l Fold
trust_me Fold
tfeilding Call 30.00
Dice Man Call 30.00
MattyH Call 30.00
Mango_99 Raise to 120.00
tfeilding Call 120.00
Dice Man Call 120.00
MattyH Fold
*** Flop(Board): *** : [5s, Js, 7s]
*** Bet Round 2 ***
Mango_99 Check
tfeilding Bet 150.00
Dice Man Call 150.00
Mango_99 Fold
*** Turn(Board): *** : [5s, Js, 7s, 8h]
*** Bet Round 3 ***
tfeilding Bet 270.00
Dice Man Call 270.00
*** River(Board): *** : [5s, Js, 7s, 8h, 9h]
*** Bet Round 4 ***
tfeilding Bet 300.00
Dice Man Call 300.00
*** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 1830.00
tfeilding [Jc, Ks] Pair of jacks Win: 0.00
Dice Man [10s, Kc] Straight to the jack Win: 1830.00
MattyH Fold Win: 0.00
Mango_99 Fold Win: 0.00
_riverd_ Fold Win: 0.00
malow Fold Win: 0.00
mattlbrook Fold Win: 0.00
Trafa1gar Fold Win: 0.00
Lucky_l Fold Win: 0.00
trust_me Fold Win: 0.00

Sunday 20 January 2008

Sick sick flop

Check this out for a sick hand. The other player was pretty solid and knew how to play the game. Here we are heads up in a 6 player STT. I managed to come back and win, but I thought I had him here:

PokerStars Game #14690768572: Tournament #74482301, $6.00+$0.60 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2008/01/20 - 08:34:07 (ET)
Table '74482301 1' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 2: DeaconM (3445 in chips)
Seat 3: ashhen (5555 in chips)
DeaconM: posts small blind 75
ashhen: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ashhen [3s Ah]
DeaconM: calls 75
ashhen: raises 450 to 600
DeaconM: calls 450
*** FLOP *** [4d 5d 2s]
ashhen: bets 150
DeaconM: raises 150 to 300
ashhen: calls 150
*** TURN *** [4d 5d 2s] [Kh]
ashhen: bets 150
DeaconM: raises 750 to 900
ashhen: raises 750 to 1650
DeaconM: raises 895 to 2545 and is all-in
ashhen: calls 895
*** RIVER *** [4d 5d 2s Kh] [5s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ashhen: shows [3s Ah] (a straight, Ace to Five)
DeaconM: shows [3d 6d] (a straight, Deuce to Six)
DeaconM collected 6890 from pot
ashhen said, "nooooooooo"
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 6890 | Rake 0
Board [4d 5d 2s Kh 5s]
Seat 2: DeaconM (button) (small blind) showed [3d 6d] and won (6890) with a straight, Deuce to Six
Seat 3: ashhen (big blind) showed [3s Ah] and lost with a straight, Ace to Five

Friday 18 January 2008

APAT and Will Hill

Last night I spent the evening playing poker online - the first evening Ive done this in ages. I had intended to concentrate on Stars so I can release my sign-up bonus. I can actually bust my roll there in the pursuit of this and still come out about even. I ended up only playing 2 SnGs. I bubbled one and crashed in the other.

I did play the APAT Czech Open on Bluesq though. I ended up in the cash in 18th which was good, but my bust out hand was a real pain in the butt. Why is he getting involved with KQ? I'm a bit of a donk at the tables but I would be mucking that every time. Even my JJ was perhaps marginal play but this guy was acting after my substantial re-re-raise:

A friend came to rail me right at the moment I went out. S0 I railed him at a $0.25/0.50 table. Now, I very rarely play ring games on account of doing very poorly in them. I now have a sneaking suspicion that cos I play the real microstakes (0.01/0.02 and 0.05/0.10) the play is far too loose. Anyhow, I sat down with with the $10 I had in my WillHill acct (I thought it was empty) and spun it up to this much:

I only recall having one hand of any merit. I built up to $30 by being a tad reckless. I'd call down and then raise rivers or just check raise flops with nothing. Noone called me out. Not once. I even did the same move against the same player within a few minutes not realising it was him and even he didn't call me on it.

The sweet hand was when I had JT on the button. I limped, BB went 3xbb and I called to see a KQ2 flop. He 3xbb the flop and I called to see a shiny ace on the turn. I check, he bet, i raised, he raised, I raised etc. I didn't want to push him off the hand and so we played tennis for 8-10 bets. He then shoves and I insta-called. He showed QQ for a flopped set and he bricked the river to double me through. I think that was his first hand at the table.

It was good to have a winning ring game session. They don't happen often for me!