Wednesday 23 April 2008


This is way past the rebuy period in a 10c rebuy.

Check out the hands calling my massive reraise all in. A9? wtf?! 55?! Lolz. I bet they wish they had a Jack.

***** Hand 1052241312 *****
100.00/200.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 23 April 2008 20:45:27
MICRO GTD REBUY (Real /Tournament )
Seat 1: Acsadrika (38760.00)
Seat 2: Bullit1976 (31075.00)
Seat 3: jacint666 (30250.00)
Seat 4: frater33 (31635.00)
Seat 5: tfeilding (12116.00)
Seat 6: elele (29118.00)
Seat 7: pati77 (13025.00)
Seat 8: moric55 (8059.00)
Seat 9: Drea27 (6290.00)
Seat 10: gbtoothy (35942.00)
elele post SB 100.00
pati77 post BB 200.00
** Deal **
Acsadrika [N/A, N/A]
Bullit1976 [N/A, N/A]
jacint666 [N/A, N/A]
frater33 [N/A, N/A]
tfeilding [Kh, Kd]
elele [N/A, N/A]
pati77 [N/A, N/A]
moric55 [N/A, N/A]
Drea27 [N/A, N/A]
gbtoothy [N/A, N/A]
*** Bet Round 1 ***
moric55 Call 200.00
Drea27 Fold
gbtoothy Fold
Acsadrika Call 200.00
Bullit1976 Fold
jacint666 Call 200.00
frater33 Raise to 1000.00
tfeilding All-in 12116.00
elele Call 12116.00
pati77 Fold
moric55 All-in 8059.00
Acsadrika Fold
jacint666 Fold
frater33 Call 12116.00
*** Flop(Board): *** : [6s, Jh, 9d]
*** Bet Round 2 ***
elele Check
frater33 Check
*** Turn(Board): *** : [6s, Jh, 9d, 2c]
*** Bet Round 3 ***
elele Check
frater33 Check
*** River(Board): *** : [6s, Jh, 9d, 2c, Js]
*** Bet Round 4 ***
elele Check
frater33 Check
*** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 45257.00
Acsadrika Fold Win: 0.00
Bullit1976 Fold Win: 0.00
jacint666 Fold Win: 0.00
frater33 [5c, 5s] Two pair jacks and fives Win: 0.00
tfeilding [Kh, Kd] Two pair kings and jacks Win: 45257.00
elele [Ah, Kc] Pair of jacks Win: 0.00
pati77 Fold Win: 0.00
moric55 [9h, Ac] Two pair jacks and nines Win: 0.00
Drea27 Fold Win: 0.00

Thursday 28 February 2008

More Freerollaments and a home game

I thought I'd kick off with a screen grab. This was the very worst possible flop for me. I think I have a monster but instead am drawing to the case 8 or a back door flush for a win or a runner runner straight for a chop.

I've been playing some more Freerolls on WillHill. They are quite amusing. I played on one the other day with a friend and we had a prop bet to see who could amass the largest stack. Within a few hands I was down to 180 (starting stack of 1500) and he was up to 10k. All was lost, or so I thought. I then shoved with 89 in early position and had 4 callers. Despite the flop producing an A, the 8 on the turn was enough to win me the pot. The very next hand I flop the nut straight and get paid multi-way. I managed to build my stack to over 155,000 before giving it away. I cashed for 0.70c. Go me.

Last night I hosted a 10p/20p ring game. It was a fun evening and quite a few moves were made. One hand in particular amused me greatly. See if you can guess his hand?

Me: A4
Him: ??

Preflop: He raises to 70p. I call.

Flop: K53 rainbow.

He bets £1.20 and I call.

Turn: 3

Check check.

River: 9

He bets £2.50
I raise to £6.50
He re-raises to £15
I fold.

Based on the betting, he should have flopped a set and filled up on the turn or have a reasonable pair in his hand. So what did he have? The answer: 72. He did a re-re-resteal on the river which was a great move. We've played a fair amount together in the past and he knew I was quite capable of restealing on the river. I just wish that one time I actually had the goods.

Another amusing hand. I get QT on the button. It folds to me and I raise 3xbb. BB calls. Flop was J85. We both check the flop and the turn is a 5. I'm pretty sure he doesnt have anything at this point and so when he bets 80p I take it up to £3. He tanks before saying something which sounded a lot like 'Fold'. Someone at the table said 'nice bluff' to me and I said 'thanks' and smiled. I then reached for the chips for the BB to inform me he was still active and hadn't folded. He thinks a bit more and then folds showing 66. I'd announced I was bluffing - how could he fold in that spot? He should have raised it up. He didn't have a great deal behind so I'd have probably called a raise, but even so.

Overall the game was profitable. I bought in for £20, reloaded for £10 and cashed out £50.

Tuesday 12 February 2008

Donkey king

This is a bit of a comedy hand and possibly donk play from both of us. I raised pre-flop cos the BB was sitting out of the hand and I wanted to steal the blinds. His turn and river bets didn't make sense if he had a flush. I think he would have played a king differently as well on a dangerous board. There wasn't much there for him to represent. I bet he is currently bitching about how I called his all-in bet on the river with just a 2.

***** Hand 952036467 *****
50.00/100.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 12 February 2008 17:27:42
Holdem Speed (Real /Tournament )
Seat 3: tfeilding (4260.00)
Seat 4: dupeto (2040.00)
Seat 5: torstpet (1200.00)
dupeto post SB 50.00
torstpet post BB 100.00
** Deal **
tfeilding [2s, Jc]
dupeto [N/A, N/A]
torstpet [N/A, N/A]
*** Bet Round 1 ***
tfeilding Raise to 400.00
dupeto Call 400.00
torstpet Fold
*** Flop(Board): *** : [3c, Kh, 7h]
*** Bet Round 2 ***
dupeto Check
tfeilding Check
*** Turn(Board): *** : [3c, Kh, 7h, 2h]
*** Bet Round 3 ***
dupeto Bet 100.00
tfeilding Call 100.00
*** River(Board): *** : [3c, Kh, 7h, 2h, Kc]
*** Bet Round 4 ***
dupeto All-in 1540.00
tfeilding Call 1540.00
*** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 4180.00
tfeilding [2s, Jc] Two pair kings and deuces Win: 4180.00
dupeto [As, Qs] Pair of kings Win: 0.00
torstpet Fold Win: 0.00

Thursday 31 January 2008


I have played very few public freerolls. I know how crazy they can be. This hand sums up the play. What else could I have done? Maybe gone all-in pre-flop straight away rather than 4xbb UTG? WTF were these people thinking? AT is the only marginal hand there and even then its gotta be screwed every which way with 4 people all-in. Ah well. I'm playing an APAT online game shortly so I'll hopefully get some better players:

Game #5232219953: $100 Freeroll (ID6397317) $0+$0 - Hold'em NL (10/20) - 2008/01/31 - 19:34:48 (UK)
Table "6397317 - 163" Seat 3 is the button.
Seat 1: Gultek75 (1480 in chips)
Seat 2: knk32 (1420 in chips)
Seat 3: stadie9 sits out
Seat 4: bassebus (1480 in chips)
Seat 5: TonyoTH (1570 in chips)
Seat 6: Tho270515 (1500 in chips)
Seat 7: elendil (1460 in chips)
Seat 8: Raym20051 (1460 in chips)
Seat 9: rick545 (1500 in chips)
Seat 10: Josef0111 (4580 in chips)
bassebus: posts small blind 10
TonyoTH: posts big blind 20

----- HOLE CARDS -----
dealt to Tho270515 [Qc Qh]
Tho270515: raises to 80
elendil: calls 80
Raym20051: folds
rick545: calls 80
Josef0111: calls 80
Gultek75: calls 80
knk32: calls 80
stadie9: folds
bassebus: folds
TonyoTH: raises to 140
Tho270515: raises to 1500 and is all-in
elendil: is all-in 1380
rick545: folds
Josef0111: folds
Gultek75: is all-in 1400
knk32: folds
TonyoTH: calls 1360
----- FLOP ----- [Jc 2d 5c]
----- TURN ----- [Jc 2d 5c][3c]
----- RIVER ----- [Jc 2d 5c 3c][4d]
----- SHOW DOWN -----
Tho270515: shows [Qc Qh] (A Pair of Queens, Jack high)
elendil: shows [6h 5h] (A Straight, Six high)
Gultek75: shows [Qs 5s] (A Pair of Fives, Queen high)
TonyoTH: shows [Th Ad] (A Straight, Five high)
TonyoTH collected 40 from Side pot #2
TonyoTH collected 60 from Side pot #1
elendil collected 6090 from Main pot
----- SUMMARY -----
Total pot 6190 Main pot 6090 Side pot #1 60 | Side pot #2 40 | Rake 0
Board [Jc 2d 5c 3c 4d]
Seat 1: Gultek75 showed [Qs 5s] and lost with A Pair of Fives, Queen high
Seat 2: knk32 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: stadie9 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: bassebus (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: TonyoTH (big blind) showed [Th Ad] and won (100) with A Straight, Five high
Seat 6: Tho270515 showed [Qc Qh] and lost with A Pair of Queens, Jack high
Seat 7: elendil showed [6h 5h] and won (6090) with A Straight, Six high
Seat 8: Raym20051 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: rick545 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 10: Josef0111 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Wednesday 30 January 2008

This game can be so frustrating

Here is a hand I just played in a €10 5 seater SnG. I'm constantly getting in to a show down situation with the best hand, only to be out drawn. Last night I came 2nd in a SnG where I was massively stacked and I lost 6 hands where I was a favourite in every single one. Twice I had pairs to the guy's unpaired unders. He was down to 270chips at one stage and came back to win. It was so frustrating

***** Hand 932947277 *****
50.00/100.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 30 January 2008 19:18:08
Holdem Turbo (Real /Tournament )
Seat 1: Fig. Foz (900.00)
Seat 2: Mr Fung (3870.00)
Seat 4: alexius1 (1305.00)
Seat 5: tfeilding (1425.00)
alexius1 post SB 50.00
tfeilding post BB 100.00
** Deal **
Fig. Foz [N/A, N/A]
Mr Fung [N/A, N/A]
alexius1 [N/A, N/A]
tfeilding [Qd, Ac]
*** Bet Round 1 ***
Fig. Foz Call 100.00
Mr Fung Call 100.00
alexius1 Call 100.00
tfeilding Check
*** Flop(Board): *** : [6h, 2s, Qc]
*** Bet Round 2 ***
alexius1 Bet 100.00
tfeilding Raise to 300.00
Fig. Foz All-in 800.00
Mr Fung Fold
alexius1 Fold
tfeilding Call 800.00
*** Turn(Board): *** : [6h, 2s, Qc, 9c]
*** River(Board): *** : [6h, 2s, Qc, 9c, Jh]
*** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 2100.00
Fig. Foz [Qh, 9d] Two pair queens and nines Win: 2100.00
Mr Fung Fold Win: 0.00
alexius1 Fold Win: 0.00
tfeilding [Qd, Ac] Pair of queens Win: 0.00

January stats

My new year's resolution was to keep a track of every live game I play. Thus I have a spreadsheet with all my results in. My stats for the month are as follows:

Total staked: £238 (Avg stake: £5.17)
Total returned: £376
Profit: £138 (Roi=57%)
In the money: 16/28 (57%)

I'm happy with those stats. It'll be interesting to compare my month on month stats later in the year.

Monday 28 January 2008

Time to shift up a gear

I tend to play €3 and €5 5-seater games on My roll is only around €50 but it is slowly increasing. Anyhow, I played a live game at the weekend and won a €250 bonus for having the best hand. This has been paid direct into my account - so now I can up the stakes a bit and try some €10 to see how they go. I am sick of donk play being rewarded, such as this hand which I've just played. The ranges of the raiser and caller is vast - so although my call preflop was loose I wasn't going to be a massive under dog and I was getting 7/2 on my money. Anyhow, the guy 3 bets me all-in with mid pair and then hits his 4 outter on the river. It gets boring being beat like this.

***** Hand 929978999 *****
25.00/50.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 28 January 2008 18:27:05
Holdem (Real /Tournament )
Seat 1: almano99 (2020.00)
Seat 2: prduch (2060.00)
Seat 3: tfeilding (1075.00)
Seat 4: jibula (1390.00)
Seat 5: lordmat (955.00)
prduch post SB 25.00
tfeilding post BB 50.00
** Deal **
almano99 [N/A, N/A]
prduch [N/A, N/A]
tfeilding [4d, Jd]
jibula [N/A, N/A]
lordmat [N/A, N/A]
*** Bet Round 1 ***
jibula Raise to 150.00
lordmat Call 150.00
almano99 Fold
prduch Fold
tfeilding Call 150.00
*** Flop(Board): *** : [Jh, 3d, 8s]
*** Bet Round 2 ***
tfeilding Check
jibula Bet 350.00
lordmat Fold
tfeilding Raise to 700.00
jibula Raise to 1100.00
tfeilding All-in 925.00
*** Turn(Board): *** : [Jh, 3d, 8s, 7d]
*** River(Board): *** : [Jh, 3d, 8s, 7d, Qc]
*** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 2325.00
almano99 Fold Win: 0.00
prduch Fold Win: 0.00
tfeilding [4d, Jd] Pair of jacks Win: 0.00
jibula [8d, Qh] Two pair queens and eights Win: 2325.00
lordmat Fold Win: 0.00

Wednesday 23 January 2008


This Saturday is the rather belated Christmas Party. The afternoon kicks off with a £50 f/o game and the evening features much beer and music. It should be a laugh. As I'm a microstakes kinda guy, I tried to satellite into the afternoon game through a £10 f/o. This is the hand which wounded me. From then on I was just keeping my head above water and finished 6/10 with 2 going through. Christ knows why i got called on the flop and turn:

***** Hand 923145146 *****
15.00/30.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 23 January 2008 20:30:04
XmasParty FO Qual (Real /Tournament )
Seat 1: tfeilding (1945.00)
Seat 2: Dice Man (2195.00)
Seat 3: MattyH (2240.00)
Seat 4: Mango_99 (2260.00)
Seat 5: _riverd_ (1910.00)
Seat 6: malow (1880.00)
Seat 7: mattlbrook (1690.00)
Seat 8: Trafa1gar (1950.00)
Seat 9: Lucky_l (1970.00)
Seat 10: trust_me (1960.00)
MattyH post SB 15.00
Mango_99 post BB 30.00
** Deal **
tfeilding [Jc, Ks]
Dice Man [N/A, N/A]
MattyH [N/A, N/A]
Mango_99 [N/A, N/A]
_riverd_ [N/A, N/A]
malow [N/A, N/A]
mattlbrook [N/A, N/A]
Trafa1gar [N/A, N/A]
Lucky_l [N/A, N/A]
trust_me [N/A, N/A]
*** Bet Round 1 ***
_riverd_ Fold
malow Fold
mattlbrook Fold
Trafa1gar Fold
Lucky_l Fold
trust_me Fold
tfeilding Call 30.00
Dice Man Call 30.00
MattyH Call 30.00
Mango_99 Raise to 120.00
tfeilding Call 120.00
Dice Man Call 120.00
MattyH Fold
*** Flop(Board): *** : [5s, Js, 7s]
*** Bet Round 2 ***
Mango_99 Check
tfeilding Bet 150.00
Dice Man Call 150.00
Mango_99 Fold
*** Turn(Board): *** : [5s, Js, 7s, 8h]
*** Bet Round 3 ***
tfeilding Bet 270.00
Dice Man Call 270.00
*** River(Board): *** : [5s, Js, 7s, 8h, 9h]
*** Bet Round 4 ***
tfeilding Bet 300.00
Dice Man Call 300.00
*** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 1830.00
tfeilding [Jc, Ks] Pair of jacks Win: 0.00
Dice Man [10s, Kc] Straight to the jack Win: 1830.00
MattyH Fold Win: 0.00
Mango_99 Fold Win: 0.00
_riverd_ Fold Win: 0.00
malow Fold Win: 0.00
mattlbrook Fold Win: 0.00
Trafa1gar Fold Win: 0.00
Lucky_l Fold Win: 0.00
trust_me Fold Win: 0.00

Sunday 20 January 2008

Sick sick flop

Check this out for a sick hand. The other player was pretty solid and knew how to play the game. Here we are heads up in a 6 player STT. I managed to come back and win, but I thought I had him here:

PokerStars Game #14690768572: Tournament #74482301, $6.00+$0.60 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2008/01/20 - 08:34:07 (ET)
Table '74482301 1' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 2: DeaconM (3445 in chips)
Seat 3: ashhen (5555 in chips)
DeaconM: posts small blind 75
ashhen: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ashhen [3s Ah]
DeaconM: calls 75
ashhen: raises 450 to 600
DeaconM: calls 450
*** FLOP *** [4d 5d 2s]
ashhen: bets 150
DeaconM: raises 150 to 300
ashhen: calls 150
*** TURN *** [4d 5d 2s] [Kh]
ashhen: bets 150
DeaconM: raises 750 to 900
ashhen: raises 750 to 1650
DeaconM: raises 895 to 2545 and is all-in
ashhen: calls 895
*** RIVER *** [4d 5d 2s Kh] [5s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ashhen: shows [3s Ah] (a straight, Ace to Five)
DeaconM: shows [3d 6d] (a straight, Deuce to Six)
DeaconM collected 6890 from pot
ashhen said, "nooooooooo"
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 6890 | Rake 0
Board [4d 5d 2s Kh 5s]
Seat 2: DeaconM (button) (small blind) showed [3d 6d] and won (6890) with a straight, Deuce to Six
Seat 3: ashhen (big blind) showed [3s Ah] and lost with a straight, Ace to Five

Friday 18 January 2008

APAT and Will Hill

Last night I spent the evening playing poker online - the first evening Ive done this in ages. I had intended to concentrate on Stars so I can release my sign-up bonus. I can actually bust my roll there in the pursuit of this and still come out about even. I ended up only playing 2 SnGs. I bubbled one and crashed in the other.

I did play the APAT Czech Open on Bluesq though. I ended up in the cash in 18th which was good, but my bust out hand was a real pain in the butt. Why is he getting involved with KQ? I'm a bit of a donk at the tables but I would be mucking that every time. Even my JJ was perhaps marginal play but this guy was acting after my substantial re-re-raise:

A friend came to rail me right at the moment I went out. S0 I railed him at a $0.25/0.50 table. Now, I very rarely play ring games on account of doing very poorly in them. I now have a sneaking suspicion that cos I play the real microstakes (0.01/0.02 and 0.05/0.10) the play is far too loose. Anyhow, I sat down with with the $10 I had in my WillHill acct (I thought it was empty) and spun it up to this much:

I only recall having one hand of any merit. I built up to $30 by being a tad reckless. I'd call down and then raise rivers or just check raise flops with nothing. Noone called me out. Not once. I even did the same move against the same player within a few minutes not realising it was him and even he didn't call me on it.

The sweet hand was when I had JT on the button. I limped, BB went 3xbb and I called to see a KQ2 flop. He 3xbb the flop and I called to see a shiny ace on the turn. I check, he bet, i raised, he raised, I raised etc. I didn't want to push him off the hand and so we played tennis for 8-10 bets. He then shoves and I insta-called. He showed QQ for a flopped set and he bricked the river to double me through. I think that was his first hand at the table.

It was good to have a winning ring game session. They don't happen often for me!

Monday 14 January 2008

Running bad

I am running so badly this evening. I keep finding myself in hands where I have the best of it, only to get done ont he river. Every single time. It has got to the stage now where when the river pops I am expecting to lose. Sick sick sick. These are just a few of the hands from this evening. All games range from €3 to €10 and are five seater SnGs:

Here I had an A and thought I could get the table to fold. Winning the dead money would push me up 50%. Why am I being called by QT out of position?

***** Hand 910164309 *****
25.00/50.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 15 January 2008 00:14:43
Holdem (Real /Tournament )
Seat 1: sinatra4 (1560.00)
Seat 2: mauriwpt (2595.00)
Seat 3: tfeilding (315.00)
Seat 4: feblish (1770.00)
Seat 5: D. Bayleaf (1260.00)
tfeilding post SB 25.00
feblish post BB 50.00
** Deal **
sinatra4 [N/A, N/A]
mauriwpt [N/A, N/A]
tfeilding [4d, Ac]
feblish [N/A, N/A]
D. Bayleaf [N/A, N/A]
*** Bet Round 1 ***
D. Bayleaf Fold
sinatra4 Call 50.00
mauriwpt Call 50.00
tfeilding All-in 315.00
feblish Call 315.00
sinatra4 Fold
mauriwpt Fold
*** Flop(Board): *** : [7d, 7h, 9s]
*** Turn(Board): *** : [7d, 7h, 9s, 2c]
*** River(Board): *** : [7d, 7h, 9s, 2c, Qc]
*** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 730.00
sinatra4 Fold Win: 0.00
mauriwpt Fold Win: 0.00
tfeilding [4d, Ac] Pair of sevens Win: 0.00
feblish [10h, Qd] Two pair queens and sevens Win: 730.00
D. Bayleaf Fold Win: 0.00

Here are two back to back hands. OK, so I let them catch both times, but had I played it more aggressively I'd still probably have been called:

In this first one, the river brings his two-outter.

***** Hand 910161330 *****
15.00/30.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 15 January 2008 00:11:52
Holdem (Real /Tournament )
Seat 1: sinatra4 (1650.00)
Seat 2: mauriwpt (2685.00)
Seat 3: tfeilding (825.00)
Seat 4: feblish (1245.00)
Seat 5: D. Bayleaf (1095.00)
D. Bayleaf post SB 15.00
sinatra4 post BB 30.00
** Deal **
sinatra4 [N/A, N/A]
mauriwpt [N/A, N/A]
tfeilding [Kh, 4h]
feblish [N/A, N/A]
D. Bayleaf [N/A, N/A]
*** Bet Round 1 ***
mauriwpt Call 30.00
tfeilding Call 30.00
feblish Call 30.00
D. Bayleaf Fold
sinatra4 Check
*** Flop(Board): *** : [4s, 8h, Kc]
*** Bet Round 2 ***
sinatra4 Check
mauriwpt Check
tfeilding Bet 30.00
feblish Call 30.00
sinatra4 Fold
mauriwpt Fold
*** Turn(Board): *** : [4s, 8h, Kc, 10d]
*** Bet Round 3 ***
tfeilding Bet 60.00
feblish Call 60.00
*** River(Board): *** : [4s, 8h, Kc, 10d, 3h]
*** Bet Round 4 ***
tfeilding Bet 120.00
feblish Raise to 330.00
tfeilding Call 330.00
*** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 975.00
sinatra4 Fold Win: 0.00
mauriwpt Fold Win: 0.00
tfeilding Fold Win: 0.00
feblish [3d, 3c] Three of a kind, threes Win: 975.00
D. Bayleaf Fold Win: 0.00

This one I reckon I lost the minimum from the turn onwards. Should I have reraised more on the flop? I don't think I could have taken him off his 7 high flush draw though cos of the straight flush potential. He was getting pot odds of 2/1 for roughly a 2/1 chance of winning (12 outs twice). I should have taken it to 360 I think.

***** Hand 910160228 *****
15.00/30.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 15 January 2008 00:10:49
Holdem (Real /Tournament )
Seat 1: sinatra4 (1680.00)
Seat 2: mauriwpt (2145.00)
Seat 3: tfeilding (1185.00)
Seat 4: feblish (1275.00)
Seat 5: D. Bayleaf (1215.00)
feblish post SB 15.00
D. Bayleaf post BB 30.00
** Deal **
sinatra4 [N/A, N/A]
mauriwpt [N/A, N/A]
tfeilding [9d, Ac]
feblish [N/A, N/A]
D. Bayleaf [N/A, N/A]
*** Bet Round 1 ***
sinatra4 Call 30.00
mauriwpt Call 30.00
tfeilding Call 30.00
feblish Call 30.00
D. Bayleaf Check
*** Flop(Board): *** : [5h, As, 9h]
*** Bet Round 2 ***
feblish Check
D. Bayleaf Bet 90.00
sinatra4 Fold
mauriwpt Call 90.00
tfeilding Raise to 240.00
feblish Fold
D. Bayleaf Fold
mauriwpt Call 240.00
*** Turn(Board): *** : [5h, As, 9h, 10h]
*** Bet Round 3 ***
mauriwpt Check
tfeilding Check
*** River(Board): *** : [5h, As, 9h, 10h, Jh]
*** Bet Round 4 ***
mauriwpt Bet 90.00
tfeilding Call 90.00
*** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 900.00
sinatra4 Fold Win: 0.00
mauriwpt [7h, 6h] Flush to the jack Win: 900.00
tfeilding Fold Win: 0.00
feblish Fold Win: 0.00
D. Bayleaf Fold Win: 0.00

So that's me done for the night.

Monday 7 January 2008

AK? Pah! Fear my straight flush!

This has to be the sweetest way to take down a five seater SnG. I think it also shows the perils of tarting around with AK. I think with the blinds at 200/400 he should shove pre-flop rather than get trappy. When I shove on the flop, he is then shafted. If he calls he has 10 outs (3x K, 3xA and 4xGutshot) and so his tournament life is on the line and he is an underdog. Shoving pre-flop would have given him the hand pre-flop and nearly tie us with chips.

***** Hand 899117502 *****
200.00/400.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 07 January 2008 18:50:46
Holdem Turbo (Real /Tournament )
Seat 2: comevavà (2980.00)
Seat 5: tfeilding (4520.00)
comevavà post SB 200.00
tfeilding post BB 400.00
** Deal **
comevavà [N/A, N/A]
tfeilding [4s, 6s]
*** Bet Round 1 ***
comevavà Call 400.00
tfeilding Check
*** Flop(Board): *** : [3s, 4c, 2s]
*** Bet Round 2 ***
tfeilding Bet 3200.00
comevavà All-in 2580.00
*** Turn(Board): *** : [3s, 4c, 2s, 2c]
*** River(Board): *** : [3s, 4c, 2s, 2c, 5s]
*** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 5960.00
comevavà [Ad, Kh] Straight to the five Win: 0.00
tfeilding [4s, 6s] Straight flush Win: 5960.00