Friday 28 December 2007

APAT Polish Open

I am the APAT Polish Open Champion. I never thought I'd be the Polish champion of anything!

APAT orgainse well structured games for low buy-ins. An excellent combination. I qualified for the live National Amateur finals in Walsall a month or two ago and ended up 30/200 which was not too shabby and I only went out when I ran KK into the chip leader's AA. Unfortunate timing.

I have also played one previous online game - the APAT Croatian Open. I don't recall a great deal about it besides the fact I finished somewhere in the top 3rd of the field.
I didn't know about the Polish Open until the last minute when I read about it in the forums I had a quiet night at home planned and fancied an MTT so this sounded perfect. We got a 5k stack with 15 minute levels so there was plenty of time for play. On around hand #7 I was dealt AA. Early position did a 4xbb bet so I upped it quite a bit. The chips all went in on a 776 flop for him to turn over KK. Revenge perhaps for Walsall?

From there on in, I was chip leader or nearly chip leader all game. I sat back and waited for the premiums and they certainly came. I had AA twice but I had KK perhaps 7 times. Noone sucked out on me and I won a big race later when my AQ turned over 55. All of a sudden we were through to the final table and I was second in chips. The leader had double my stack though.

Top 3 places get bronze/silver/gold medals and it was one of these I was playing for so I played a solid game until that bubble burst and then opened up. I took the chip lead when I hit a gutshot on the turn and got paid handsomely. Then it was a case of just picking off the other two players as I had 400k to their 50k each.

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