Friday 14 December 2007

I planned to have a quiet night at home on wednesday but instead a friend rang me up to see if I wanted a lift to a game across town. In my league you have to hit the top 16 to get points and it was points I was after, therefore coming 13th from 22 was not a total failure.

Starting stack was 5k, blinds were at 200/400 and I had around 8k in front of me. There was an UTG min-raise to 800 and I had A9s. I thought I could squeeze the table and take the pot down so I shoved. The original raiser tanked and then called with 77. I failed to hit and it was good bye to me.

I dont think I played the hand badly. I'm not calling with crap like A9, I'm pushing or folding. After the hand the caller said he called cos I was staring at the centre of the table and not looking at him. Annoyingly this is what Ive been doing for months now so as to standardise my body language but I hadn't played against him before.

The standard at the venue was poor - there was a handful of good players though. I saw one guy who I thought was good, flat call a bet and a raise with AJ for instance. He then lais it down to the original betters all-in move. He then announced to the table how much pof a solid player he was by not losing more chips. He shouldnt have lost any there - AJ is auto-fold territory in that situation.

I was to his right and laid down 66 before the action got to him. Annoyingly I would have hit my set on the flop and turned the quads. It was still the correct move though.

Last night I played the APAT Croatian Open on Bluesq. I doubled up with JJ Vs AQ all-in pre-flop only to then lose my stack when I found AQ in the BB but couldnt get SB off his raggy hand which ended up hitting bottom pair.

This evening I'll be playing a £20 freezout at the casino, perhaps followed by a cheap ring game somewhere. Tomorrow is a £20 f/o qualifier to the Welsh Open and Sunday is the second of three rounds to win a seat to the WSOP Main Event.

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