Friday 28 December 2007

One dollarments

Last night I fired up a $1 MTT. I knew it would be crazy so I decided to sit back and wait for hands. Unfortunately they didn't really come. Over the first two hours I played 4 hands and doubled up on each of them. I did a small amount of blind stealing as well though. 527 players started and when the bubble broke I was around 20/50. This is the hand that sealed my fate. I cannot believe the guy called my all-in bet. What exactly is he beating but a stone cold bluff? I had a good reputation at the table and had not had to show any crap hands. I tried an early position blind steal with the QJ as other players had been getting away with them. I didn't intend to then make a play for the pot with a check raise but the opportunity arose. I know it is only a $1 game, but when you get so deep, the standard has to be fairly reasonable, right?

To top it off, when I went out, he called me a mother f**ker.

***** Hand 884045095 ***** 750.00/1500.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit )
27 December 2007 23:27:08
Texas Holdem (Real /Tournament )
Seat 1: LUJOLUJ (9065.00)
Seat 2: DonAsCarlo (25807.00)
Seat 3: $PILU'$ (21570.00)
Seat 4: Antonino4 (9680.00)
Seat 5: Woyta1 (8240.00)
Seat 6: Lasybones (20634.00)
Seat 7: Pettee85 (3729.00)
Seat 8: tfeilding (18607.00)
Seat 9: MarktaG (8070.00)
Seat 10: calledk2 (16476.00)
Woyta1 post SB 750.00
Lasybones post BB 1500.00
** Deal ** LUJOLUJ [N/A, N/A]
DonAsCarlo [N/A, N/A]
$PILU'$ [N/A, N/A]
Antonino4 [N/A, N/A]
Woyta1 [N/A, N/A]
Lasybones [N/A, N/A]
Pettee85 [N/A, N/A]
tfeilding [Qc, Jd]
MarktaG [N/A, N/A]
calledk2 [N/A, N/A]
*** Bet Round 1 *** Pettee85 Fold
tfeilding Raise to 4500.00
MarktaG Fold calledk2 Fold
DonAsCarlo Call 4500.00
$PILU'$ Fold
Antonino4 Fold
Woyta1 Fold
Lasybones Fold
*** Flop(Board): *** : [5h, 2h, 5d]
*** Bet Round 2 ***
tfeilding Check
DonAsCarlo Bet 3000.00
tfeilding All-in 14107.00
DonAsCarlo Call 14107.00
*** Turn(Board): *** : [5h, 2h, 5d, 4s]
*** River(Board): *** : [5h, 2h, 5d, 4s, Ks]
*** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 40964.00
LUJOLUJ Fold Win: 0.00
DonAsCarlo [Ad, 8d] Pair of fives , ace kicker Win: 40964.00
$PILU'$ Fold Win: 0.00
Antonino4 Fold Win: 0.00
Woyta1 Fold Win: 0.00
Lasybones Fold Win: 0.00
Pettee85 Fold Win: 0.00
tfeilding [Qc, Jd] Pair of fives Win: 0.00
MarktaG Fold Win: 0.00
calledk2 Fold Win: 0.00

For 2.5 hours play I made $1.10 profit. Fan flipping tastic.

Another recent low profit per hour game I played was a live game at Gala Casino. In a £10 second chance I came 6/48 for a £20 profit. That works out at £4.50 an hour. Not even minimum wage. I was pleased to cash though as I have failed to do so there aside from a satellite I played. I know I am good enough to have better results, they just havent seem to have come.

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